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Best Tips for Stunning Underwater Photos on iPhone-Part Two

How to take underwater photos on iPhone: Lighting
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography; it's not easy to master and takes patience getting the right light in for your shots. As you'll be underwater, you will have to remember that water refracts light in different ways, so there might be times where a shot comes out poorly due to the odd lighting conditions you're in.

We would recommend taking photos in sunlight, as you have natural light shining through. Of course, if you're in an indoor swimming pool, it should already be lit. We wouldn't advise taking night time underwater shots, as you'll be greeted with dark scenes and very poor quality photos. Smartphones, including the iPhones all struggle in low-light conditions without flash, so underwater low-light photography is practically impossible.

The flash can be used underwater, but we would advise against it - as it can disturb the focus and colours of your shots. If you really need extra light, you can buy a diving flashlight torch, such as this one on Amazon for under £15. Do remember that a flashlight will give you an unnatural light source, resulting in odd colours, even underwater. With a flashlight beaming at your subject (say an underwater plant), the plant's colour will not be natural, meaning those nature shots you wish to take will end up a little unnatural - pun intended.

How to take underwater photos on iPhone: Stability
Taking a photo when moving around a lot can be hard, let alone when you're underwater. Stability is very important, and you should have a steady hand when taking an underwater photo, while making sure your subject isn't moving too fast.

To help with stability you can try locking your arms when taking a photo, or buy a selfie stick/monopod. The Optrix by Body Glove Monopod is an example among many found online. This accessory will help you have a steady hand and create beautiful pan shots - both for video or panorama underwater shots.

How to take underwater photos on iPhone: Clothing
The final consideration is clothing. This can be from having pockets to store your iPhone, to having tight clothing, that won't get in the way of your shots. If you start getting serious about photography, even blending into your scenery might be a considering you would like to take - this would only apply where you might see your own reflection in your subject.

Having the right swimming clothing is important, but when we're taking tech under water, you should also consider how you can protect the tech you've got or store it. This principle also applies to having a wrist strap around your iPhone, or a floating piece of equipment that will prevent your iPhone from being swept away from your hands and lost forever.


原文見: Best Tips for Stunning Underwater Photos on iPhone-Part Two | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Malaysia | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
Best Tips for Stunning Underwater Photos on iPhone-Part Two Reviewed by Unknown on 9:30 AM Rating: 5

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