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Giving Gifts: Quality Over Quantity

It is a myth that you need to gift an associate every time you meet him. Focus on creative ways of gifting the ‘experience’. For example, an invitation to a bar or nightclub could be complemented with a pick-up and drop-off service or an overnight stay at the hotel. A prominent airline invited its partners to a musical - an evening to remember. The performance was top-notch, so was the brand impression. A popular hotel chain hosted a unique art exhibition and gave its immediate stakeholders an exclusive preview – that was an experience to take back home and savors for days to come. Yet another home-grown brand now publishes its annual collection of contemporary Arabian tracks to gift. It’s not always about budgets; it is about collaborating, connecting with ideas and people to create that lasting impression through gifting.

A surprising and pleasant experience is a gift that keeps on giving.

The season of festivities is upon us and on behalf of the entire TTN team, here’s wishing each one of you a merry and hearty Christmas and a fabulous New Year. See you in 2017.


原文見: Giving Gifts: Quality Over Quantity | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Malaysia | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
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