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8 Ingredients for Awesome Promotional Gifts--Part Two

6. Include Your Logo
No brainer here. It’s important to include your logo. Tastefully. Whatever your gift may be, your logo serves to remind people of your business.

7. Pick Something that Lasts
A beautiful potted plant or a cookie box can be a welcome gift. But they are not the same thing as a memorable marketing gift that someone can keep nearby. The lasting nature of the item can be a reminder for years - long after that box of candy was gobbled up and forgotten.

8. Put in Special Effort
Finally, you don’t have to spend a ton of money - and probably don’t want to, as pointed out above. But if it is something you spent some effort to create, your promotional gift is more likely to stand out. In that case, it was more about the creativity and the investment of time, than about spending a lot of money. Recipients were left with no doubt that he put special effort into creating that gift.

Here’s the point. If this is the year to make a splash by giving a memorable marketing gift, follow these eight guidelines. By taking the time to develop something unique and memorable, you serve your business well and honor your loyal customers. You also impress sales prospects. And you know what else? You and your team will have a great time exercising your creativity and launching a special project.


原文見: 8 Ingredients for Awesome Promotional Gifts--Part Two | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Malaysia | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
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