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9 Great Gift Ideas For Women In Business

1. A great looking business bag or tote. Image is everything. It is everything but, going to a meeting or networking event looking polished and professional is important if you want to be taken seriously as a success-oriented businesswoman.

2. Good books and magazines to support personal and professional growth. You can’t go wrong with a subscription to Forbes Magazine or the classic book Think and Grow Rich. If you don’t know which magazine or book to select, there are always gift cards to Amazon, Barnes and Noble or a favorite local bookstore.

3. An organized businesswoman needs up-to-date computer software. It’s important to have good accounting software, powerful anti-virus software and easy to use software for contact management.

4. An E-Reader is a modern “must” for today’s savvy women in business.  The Kindle, the Nook, the iPad and other E-Readers are lightweight enough to carry in a business tote and easy enough to use anywhere. Will an E-Reader ever fully replace holding a physical book in your hand? Maybe not but, portability and the ability to store hundreds of digital books and periodicals are a big draw for many on-the-go businesswomen.

5. Every business owner needs a good external data storage device. As a business owner it is essential to back up your business documents securely and quickly. If you’ve ever lost valuable information during a power outage or if your computer has crashed, you know how important backing up to an external hard drive can be. You can find external hard drives or USB flash drives in most office supply stores.

6. A gift basket overflowing with office supplies. Honestly, we don’t know of any business owner who wouldn’t enjoy receiving a gift basket filled with basic office supplies. Pen, paper, desk calendar, file folders, motivational mouse pad, stamps and mailing supplies, notepads, printer cartridges, etc.

7. A good paper shredder is a must! This isn’t a very high tech or glamorous item but it is definitely a necessity when it comes to guarding against identity theft. With identity theft an ongoing issue, it is vital to keep confidential information secure and private.

8. A fireproof file cabinet or safe will give a business owner peace of mind. Here’s another practical item for security. The purpose of a fireproof safe is to keep those important papers and valuables safe from fire and water damage. There are many different fireproof safes and file cabinets on the market that will serve the needs of most small business owners.

9.  A label maker makes a great time management gift. What better way to stay organized and save time than to have files, storage containers and other items labeled so they can be identified and found easily. Label makers come in various sizes and price ranges and from a small handheld to a more sophisticated desktop unit.


原文見: 9 Great Gift Ideas For Women In Business | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Malaysia | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
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