How to Pick the Perfect Business Gift
How to Pick the Perfect Business Gift
First, What Is It That You're Up To?
Before you look for a gift for someone, it helps to ask yourself why you are getting this person a gift. Is it to reward good behavior? Is it to elicit future behavior? Is the gift-giving really just an act of bribery? Is it an attempt to secure goodwill that you might not otherwise receive?Or a job? Or funding? Or some sort of favor? Or the promise to not file charges? The question is: Is your gift ulterior--consciously ulterior--in some way?
But What to Give? And Why? And When?
There are times, of course, when a professional success--a round of funding, an anniversary, a promotion, a first-place finish in the human-knot competition at the team-building retreat--demands a gift. What has much more impact, however, is the gift that doesn't celebrate an occasion but celebrates a relationship, the gift that's not tied to an event and instead is tied to who the person is and what they mean to you.However, most important, the gift should be a selfless, thoughtful and surprising gift. Which is what every gift should be. If it's not all three of those things, it's not necessarily a bad gift, but it's lacking. And if you're going to go to all this trouble, why should it be lacking?
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How to Pick the Perfect Business Gift
Reviewed by Unknown
9:30 AM