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Contract Sport

Success often boils down to who and what you know. That's especially true when it comes to snagging contracts with major corporations.
Supplier diversity programs have given women a jump on the who part of the equation. Much of the what factor can be found by reading, doing and talking. Four supplier diversity insiders offer tips to increase your knowledge and possibly provide the edge you need to secure that contract.
Tip No. 1: Know what type of supplier diversity programs you're dealing with. Otherwise,you'll waste time and energy trying to work with corporations whose effort is merely window dressing. 
Tip No. 2: Look for opportunities to connect with a corporation. These connections don't have to be related to procurement. Other points of contact with corporate executives include joining trade associations they belong to, serving with them on industry committees or being involved in community causes they support.
Tip No. 3: Be short and sweet when sending marketing gifts. If corporate buyers don't know what's in it for them by the end of the first paragraph, they're not going to read additional gifts.
Tip No. 4: Be persistent. You should tack "certified" after your company name doesn't ensure you'll be beating buyers off with a stick. They probably have a vendor supplying the product or service you offer, so it may take a while to get them to consider you.
Tip No. 5: Don't display an "entitlement mentality."  Many corporate employees already perceive women as having this mind-set. Excelling at what you do, providing good products and services at competitive prices, and demonstrating good marketing skills may help adjust this attitude.
Tip No. 6: Try to understand a corporation's thinking about procurement strategies. Do this by attending meet-and-greet functions, especially those hosted by the companies you're interested in.


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