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Latest News About Corporate Gifts


It's a Gift

It's a Gift

Grab your Santa suit and load your sack with all the useful gadgets and goodies that will help your clients remember you in the new year.

Giving clients holiday gifts is more than a good idea, to hear Leann Phenix talk about it: "It's a 'must do,'" says the CEO of the Austin, Texas, literary publicity firm that bears her name. "From the first year of our company's existence, we have given gifts even when cash flow was tight," she says. "We did so in the beginning to help people remember us. We continue to give gifts not only to stay visible, but also because we are genuinely thankful when people help us. It makes us feel good to give, and it makes the receiver feel good."

Gifts will never take the place of good service, outstanding product and integrity, which are foremost in any [business] relationship.But all things being equal, entrepreneurs should never underestimate the edge they gain with a memorable gift.


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