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Wedding and Mother’s Day Gifts for Pet Owners

For pet owners, a clever or useful item for their cat or dog could be more welcome as a wedding gift than a place setting of china, a duvet cover or yet another toaster oven. And for mothers who have a dog or cat, such a pet gift would make for a talked-about present on their day (May 8), too.

Active types who track their fitness levels can now work out with their dogs and see how many steps their four legs have taken. For homeowners, a weather vane can be hand-carved with a likeness of their dog.

A set of stemless wineglasses is etched with the saying, “Home Is Where The Dog Is” or with the pet’s name. For couples with minimalist home décor, a pet bed by a designer of modern furniture blends right in.

And for those folks without pets, a charitable contribution is always a good alternative to a gift.


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