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What Is a Hostess Gift?

A hostess gift is a gift which is given to the host or hostess of an event by guests. A small gift is generally considered appropriate for dinners and parties, while guests who are staying for several days may get something larger. The ideal gift is tasteful and elegant, reflecting the presumed good taste of the host or hostess, and it is also something which the recipient would not personally buy for him or herself. While the gift might seem like a quaint tradition to some people, it is still alive and well, and bringing a hostess gift to an event will indicate that you are well mannered and that you have been raised in polite society.

All sorts of things are suitable for hostess gifts. As a general rule, if you don't know the host of an event very well, you may want to stick with something fairly neutral, such as flowers, as flowers are generally appreciated. Another common choice of gift is wine, although you should be very careful about bringing wines, as some hosts do not drink, and others have very specific tastes in wine. Chocolates and fruit baskets are also not uncommon, along with gifts of fine soaps or lotions.


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