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Corporate Gifts: The On-Site Experience

Corporate Gifts: The On-Site Experience

These days, with people using social media platforms to share everything they do, experiences have become as prized as possessions. Incentive conference planners can give attendees both when they offer on-site customized gift programs. The concept isn't new: It started when an insurance conference planner approached a Maui Jim rep at a trade show asking for 300 pairs of sunglasses as room gifts. At the time, the rep—Brett Hatch, now Maui Jim’s senior director, corporate gifts—had never heard of a meeting planner or a pillow gift. He said no. Faces are different, he told her. If she wanted her folks to get Maui Jims as a gift, he’d have to join her on site at her Mexican incentive conference and fit the people personally. She agreed, her people loved it, and the rest is history.

High-End Sound

It’s all about sound at The Bose Event Experience, presented by Incentive Concepts. The professional team helps attendees choose the Bose products that best suit their lifestyles. A wide variety of headsets, ear buds, and bluetooth accessories is available, starting $100 per person. Incentive Concepts has run The Bose Event Experience for a group of 100 executives and for a conference with several thousand of a company’s top customers. An ideal size is between 150 and 400 participants.

Telling Time Beautifully

Bulova can provide watch styles. Watches come with a gift box and gift bag. Bulova sets spending minimums for different program levels, and on-site personnel time and travel expenses vary based on those levels as well. 


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